2024/05/24 (Fri.) 吳仁銘 教授 鴻海研究院/新世代通訊研究所/所長 - 低軌道衛星通訊技術及非地面網路發展


Date & Time: 

   2024 / 5 / 24 (Fri) 14:20 - 16:20



   Delta Building R216, NTHU



  吳仁銘 教授








   低軌衛星(LEO,Low Earth Orbit)通訊技術成為現代通信的一個重要突破。與傳統的地面基站相比,低軌衛星具有覆蓋面積廣、延遲低和速度快的優勢。這些衛星離地面僅數百公里,能夠提供幾乎全球無縫的網絡覆蓋,特別是在偏遠地區和海洋等傳統基礎設施難以到達的地方。低軌衛星通訊技術發展促成未來非地面網絡(NTN,Non-Terrestrial Networks)的形成。這些技術的出現,使得通信服務的靈活性和可靠性大大提高。NTN 能夠有效補充和擴展現有地面網絡的能力,特別是在自然災害或緊急情況下,提供重要的通信支援。低軌衛星和非地面網絡的發展,不僅帶來了技術上的革新,也帶來了巨大的經濟和社會效益。鴻海研究院於2021年開始規劃、設計、整合、測試低軌通訊立方衛星,並於2023年底經由SpaceX於美國加州成功發射入軌,在這次演講中,我們也會簡單分享鴻海研究院在低軌衛星通訊技術發展的經驗及心得。



 Dr. Jen-Ming Wu is currently jointly appointed as the Director of the Next-Generation Communications Research Center, Hon Hai Research Institute, Taipei, Taiwan as well as Professor of the Institute of Communications Engineering Institute. He also serves as the Editor of IEEE Wireless Communications Letter, the BoG of IEEE Taipei Section (2021-date), the Chapter Chair of IEEE Vehicular Technologies Society Taipei Chapter (2020–2022) and BoG of the Taiwan Association of Intelligent Information and Communication Technology (TAIICT) (2019–2021). He has served as the TPC Chair of IEEE APWCS 2018 and General Co-Chair of APWCS 2019. He has also served as the TPC member for IEEE VTC, Globecom, and ICC, etc for many years. He received B.S. in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University, and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Southern California (USC). His research interests include coding and modulation for B5G/6G PHY, MIMO beamforming and signal processing, space-time signal processing for MIMO radar, and LEO satellite platform and payload design. He holds 8 US patents in the field of communications, 14 technical contributions in 3GPP 5G New Radio and IEEE 802.16m standards meetings, and has published more than 100 technical articles in IEEE journals and conference proceedings.