Title: From DeepFake Detection to Remote Sensing: Advances in Cross-Domain AI Technologies
Speaker: Prof. Chih-Chung Hsu
Institute of Data Science and Department of Statistics, National Cheng Kung University
Date: 14:00 ~15:30, 2024/07/29 (Monday)
Location: 清華大學台達館809室 (R809, Delta Building, NTHU)
This presentation explores the significant advancements made in various fields of artificial intelligence.
We will cover groundbreaking contributions in DeepFake detection, where our innovative techniques enhance robustness and reliability in identifying manipulated media.
In the realm of autonomous driving, we discuss our advanced perception algorithms that improve the safety and accuracy of autonomous vehicles.
Furthermore, we delve into our pioneering work in hyperspectral image processing, which offers superior image quality and efficiency for remote sensing applications.
Host: Prof. Cheng-Shang Chang (張正尚)