2021/10/01(Fri.) 14:20- 陳彥銘教授 (Prof. Ten-Ming Chen) 國立中山大學通訊工程所 (Inst. of Communications Engineering, NSYSU) - On the Design of Near-optimal Sparse Code Multiple Access Scheme
Date&Time :
2021 / 10 / 01 (Fri) 14:20
Location :
Online Course
Speaker :
陳彥銘教授 (Prof. Yen-Ming Chen)
國立中山大學通訊工程研究所 (Inst. of Communications Engineering, NSYSU)
Topic :
On the Design of Near-optimal Sparse Code Multiple Access Scheme
Abstract :
Sparse code multiple access (SCMA) is one of the competitive non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) techniques for the next generation of communication systems. In this talk, a systematic construction procedure for the design of SCMA codebooks under various channel environments is introduced in order to achieve near-optimal codebook designs. The proposed design method is further generalized to the design of MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output)-SCMA schemes. Artificial intelligence based construction algorithms, which consider either a reinforcement learning based approach or a deep neural network, are further devised for the reduction of search complexity. The low-complexity feature in the AI-based construction algorithms ensures that it is more suitable to applications that rely on large-scale SCMA schemes.
Bio :
Prof. Yen-Ming Chen received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 2011. From 2011 to 2014, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow with the Department of Electrical Engineering, NTHU. From 2014 to 2016, he was an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electronic Engineering in Chung Yuan Christian University. In 2017, he joined the faculty of National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, where he is currently an Associate Professor with the Institute of Communications Engineering, and serves as the chairman of the International Master's Program in Telecommunication Engineering. His research interests include error-correcting codes, wireless communications, nonorthogonal multiple access, biometrics, and noncoherent detection. Recently, Prof. Chen received the 2020 IEEE ITSOC/COMSOC Taipei/Tainan Chapter Best Paper Award for Young Scholars and the 2020 IEEE Tainan Section Best Young Professional Member Award.